element contains the series of stages
that will be executed on each cluster-configuration pair. Several base stages are defined on RadarGun core project, most stages are defined by RadarGun extensions they belong to and all are described on their respective pages.
Stage element attributes (shared)
workers (optional) - specifies workers the stage should be ran on by index (worker.index property)
groups (optional) - specifies which groups the stage will be ran on by name
Example scenario
<rg:scenario xmlns:rg="urn:radargun:benchmark:3.0"
<service-start />
<jvm-monitor-start />
<cache:load num-entries="10000"/>
<cache:basic-operations-test test-name="warmup" num-operations="100000" num-threads-per-node="5">
<cache:concurrent-keys total-entries="5000" />
<repeat from="10" to="30" inc="10">
<cache:basic-operations-test test-name="stress-test" amend-test="true"
duration="1m" num-threads-per-node="${repeat.counter}">
<cache:concurrent-keys total-entries="10000"/>
<jvm-monitor-stop />
This is a rather basic scenario example rigged to test basic operations performance of cache.
- service-start - starts assigned services on all workers (can specify groups, workers, delays etc. allowing for specific starting procedure)
- jvm-monitor-start - starts JVM monitor threads which monitor various JVM attributes (CPU usage, memory consumption etc.) on all workers (including managed servers if plugin provides JMX connection)
- load - loads cache with 10000 entries, used to make sure all keys are loaded to cache
- basic-operations-test - the name removes any ambiguity about this stages purpose, it runs basic operations agains the cache, ratio of operations is configurable
- test-name - test is named “warmup” so it will not store test results as to not influence final results, this is done to “warm up” the cluster
- num-operations - test will finish after 100000 operations
- key-selector - test specifies key-selector which will be selecting keys to use for the cache, limiting key range to 5000 in this case. This overrides default
- repeat - this is not stage unto itself but RG equivalent of the “for” cycle
- enclosed stages will be repeated for as many times as it takes to reach
value by addinginc
value to thefrom
value (so 3 times in this case) - current value can be accessed via
- enclosed stages will be repeated for as many times as it takes to reach
- basic-operations-test - this is the core test, it will be ran 3 times with increasing number of threads per node each itteration
- amend-test - this property will make sure all itterations of the test are appended in one list (as opposed to being stored as separate tests), making analysis easier
- duration - test will run for 1 minute
- key-selector - key-selector for this test will be choosing keys from 10000 values
- statistics - specifies which statistics will be stored for reporting
- jvm-monitor-stop - stops JVM monitor threads (if not called JVM monitors are stopped after final stage)
Scenario design
There are no strict requirements placed on the scenario design, however there are some tips and points to be shared in order to obtain useful results:
- Cluster should be “warmed up” before the actual measurement is started in order to get past small load optimalizations and variable initializations
- Any stage named warmup will not be stored into the results (unique name restrictions do not apply to this keyword)
- I case of caches warmup should include various keys and value sizes
- Most “actual” test stages allow specifying key-selector, key-generator and value generator
- In case of tests on caches including replace operations be aware that keys might not be loaded in the cache, use of appropriate load stage and key-selector might mitigate this if desired